Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's a thingy! A fiendish thingy!

So I wanted to post this on Sunday but didn't get the chance until today. I recently attended 2011's "Fest for Bealtes Fans" or as it's most commonly referred to as Beatlefest. It was the first time I went, usually my brother and dad go by themselves. I had an incredibly fun Beatley time there. The weather was a little cold (it's cold, it's a cold place.) but boiling inside the convention. I got the chance to meet Joey Mulland of Badfinger, Laurence Juber of Wings, and Gary Wright (The guy who sang Dream Weaver), along with Mark Hudson (performer, writer and producer), and Freda Kelly (Beatles fan club secretary from 1962-67). So to commemorate this event I whipped this picture up. Here are a few pictures from the show.


 P.S. I really fought the urge to make mountains of Beatles song puns in this post, but I didn't want to make you Run for Your Life.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

B.O.S.C.O. the Soviet Chimp

 Here's a comic I did for Christine Larson's class. It's a three page comic about a Soviet-born cosmonaut chimp who finds adventure after blasting off into space. I had some bad luck with Photoshop when coloring it, so I'm keeping it black and white for now. Tell me what'cha think.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

You Rang.

Yes, it's been done. Sunsoft's notoriously difficult cult classic game, Uncle Fester's Quest, has been beaten. It took over 10 hours and hundreds of quotes to keep our sanity, but Frank Tuminello, his brother Eric, and myself have kicked those pesky alien's asses. For those of you who haven't played this painful NES game based on The Addams Family character, the story goes as follows: Uncle Fester is sitting in a lawn-chair during a clear night moon-bathing, when all of a sudden, aliens attack! Everyone is abducted by these aliens except Fester and his family. It's up to you and your trusty gun to defeat the alien menace! The fact is, it seems as though Sunsoft made this game without proper testing before hand leaving us with many moments of "What were they thinking!?". The most notable of instances are the gun upgrades and downgrades (the fact that downgrades exist is mind-boggling enough), unless you have one of the last two guns, the weapons are essentially useless in tight areas; the whole game consists of tight areas. In any case, the game can be pretty fun after the annoyance wears off. It feels like a weight has been lifted off of our shoulders.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Danger Will Robinson!

Not wanting to slack off during my spring break, I drew some assorted stuff, one of which is this 3 color piece (I'm not counting black as a color). I've been watching a lot of Lost in Space lately, so I wanted to design something based around my favorite episode: The Great Vegetable Rebellion, where a giant carrot turns Dr. Smith into a stalk of celery. Yeah, you can't really get much more ridiculous than that. I designed it to be silk screened onto a shirt at some point. I had the line-art in purple for a while, but the black just looked so sleek and felt like a better choice. Tell me what you guys think.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

COPOUT Artists

So a group of 5 Philadelphia artists, including myself, got together recently and decided to make a comic together. We call ourselves COPOUT Artists, which stands for Comics Out of Philadelphia Organized and United Through Artists. A ridiculous title, maybe, but it seems to work quite nicely. We just self published our first book entitled "Moments" and handed 85 out at Brave New Worlds comic store. Check out and follow our group blog if you get the chance.