Friday, July 29, 2011

Lawn Mowers and Bears

Here's the finished colors for this piece. It's something I was doing along with the Summer program kids that I've been assistant teaching. The idea was to illustrate a word, so I chose "Brave". I think it turned out okay, though I like the black and white a lot more. Still fun and a good way to keep me on my toes as far as creative thinking is concerned. This other piece is another one I'm doing along with the program kids, which is to design a T-shirt for an event, so the "National Lawn Mower Races" was given to me. These are the inks for the main image (colors and type to come). COPOUT's next issue, featuring Mike and Shayna, is coming out this Friday. So be sure to find us on 2nd street near Brave New Worlds comic store to get your free copy.

1 comment:

  1. These are both awesome man! the Lawn mower one has so much energy and movement and I love the position of the dog. Also the "yaps" are a good choice!
